

Reviews You Can Use

While be-bopping around the internet last month I came across an offer to try the new Garden Harvest crackers/chips. Apparently they were coming out with 4 new kinds but they didn't give you a choice of free samples, you get what you get.

We got two small samples in the mail and I cringed when I saw they sent us the apple cinnamon chips. I had a feeling it wouldn't go over with my crew and I was right.

The package says 'chips' but they are really a cross between a chip and a cracker. To me both deserve to be spicy or salty... but not fruity. I was right.

Not one person in my family could stand to eat them and I ended up throwing the package away. If you are a huge fan of apples and cinnamon I'd say give it a shot... but if you are like us and believe our crackers can be anything from nacho flavored to tomato and even black pepper and olive oil flavored, then pass this one by.