

Are You Hungry? April Fools!!!

Are you hungry? Would you like sandwi.... I mean a PIECE OF CAKE!? Yes, it's true, the 'sandwich' you see in the photo isn't a sandwich at all, but a slice of pound cake, complete with frosting! I found this 'recipe' about 7 (?) years ago at the Family Fun site and made them for April Fools Day for my family along with the meatloaf and pastel colored mashed potatoes 'cup cakes'. It was quick and simple and oh-so-fun to see their faces when they realized they weren't having grilled cheese and cupcakes for dinner! Of course, I admit they were a little disheartened to find out the cupcakes weren't real... LOL.

If you missed this mornings post on a plethora of April Fools Day foods you can find them here; April Fools Day Foods. Now - I better get busy and get this years 'dinner' ready myself!