

Quick and Easy Cake Balls

Just like in fashion, food also has fads. (How about all those F's in that sentence! Ha). Last year the biggest rage and 'must have' on everyone's lists were; cake balls.

Beautiful to look at, similar in appearance to truffles and easily mistaken for a truffle until you bite into them, they are tiny little balls of goodness - compacting cake and frosting into one bite instead of a slice. Simple to serve, great for an appetizer or dessert, they go perfectly with almost any situation, party, meal or occasion. The thing is... you don't really need a recipe.

Oh I know... some of you groan when I post recipes that don't really need recipes. LOL. I know some readers think they can't cook or bake unless they are told exactly, precisely how much of everything to use and don't believe they can cook using a 'dash of this' or a 'drop of that'. But you can. Especially this recipe! As a matter of fact, this is the kind of recipe you'll want to make with your kids. Scrub their hands really well (and get under those fingernails!) and then let them 'go to town' with this one.

Cake Balls

sponge cake - about 1 cake or use the ends and trimmings from several cakes that you've saved for this purpose
fluffy butter cream frosting - about 1 container of store bought frosting per whole cake
milk chocolate or bittersweet chocolate - to melt and dip the cake balls
Colorful mini chocolate chips
Toasted almond crumbs, chocolate sprinkles and/or coconut powder

Crumble the cooked and cooled cake by rubbing the cake in your hands. Mix the crumbs thoroughly with butter cream frosting to form a dough. This is where you use your best guess on amounts. You want the cake to stick together using the frosting. Divide the cake dough into small pieces and roll into cake balls. Chill in the refrigerator for one hour.

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or a bowl heated over hot water. Remove cake balls from the refrigerator. Insert a toothpick into cake ball, dip in the melted chocolate and then roll into colorful chocolate chips or almonds chips, or coconut powder. You can also dip and let them set and then use a bit of contrasting chocolate or white chocolate (or almond bark) to drizzle over the finished bites.
