

Remember when I made Cream Horns? Or My Many Different Pizzas?

This morning as I sit and sip my morning coffee and listen to the birds outside the open patio door I was looking through some of my old food photo files, glancing at the stats to see what dishes were most searched for and well, just looking over some of the past recipes in ''.

I decided perhaps it was a great time to 'remind' my readers and those stopping in for the first time to please feel free to click on the labels to the right in the side column to do some searching of their own. You never know what you'll find. My Perfect Molasses Cookie is one I wouldn't want new readers to miss and when I made a new recipe (to me) for Cream Horns I ended up with a filling recipe that we've since used in everything from cupcakes to frosting on cakes. It became a family favorite!

If I was to choose one article that I felt was the most helpful to my readers it would have to be the almond bark post. So many people have no idea what almond bark is, what it's used for and where to find it! I've helped people all over the United States find almond bark for their holiday baking - even going so far as to do searches myself and sending them addresses and directions by email. Once they see the product on the shelf and realize what they were looking for they find it was there the whole time and they just never noticed it!

My posts on how to clean pampered chef stoneware have also proved helpful to many. (Speaking of which, mine need to be cleaned again! Good thing it's Saturday and I'm home this weekend!).

If you are new to these parts or just need a refresher please feel free to browse. Walk down memory lane with me. You never know what you'll find to make today!