

Fruit of the Future: Baby and Sports Shaped Pears?

This morning I was reading the news and sipping my coffee when I found the most delightful 'food' news story! Pears shaped like little Budda's, grown by a farmer in China.

"...... A Chinese farmer has invented baby-shaped pears" "..... Plucky farmer Gao Xianzhang has created 10,000 of the mini marvels this season and he plans to take the fruits of his labour to the UK and Europe.

Britain could soon see the arrival of the pears, which are shaped like mini buddhas.

If the idea catches on, sales of the mini pears could hit the profits of British farmers who are already struggling to fend off sales of cheaper foreign produce in recession-hit Britain.

Gao spent six years perfecting the intricate baby-shaped pears, carefully crafting each one which grows inside an individual mould.

Despite their hefty cost of £5 each, locals in his home village of Hexia, in Hebia, northern China, have reportedly been snapping them up.

'People seem to think they are cute or lucky and will buy them as soon as they're off the tree,' Gao explained.

Can you just imagine the potential!? With the use of any style shaped mold you could grow apples and pears in many different shapes! Crosses and little footballs, babies and boobs... from religious icons to itty bitty human faces, from sports equipment shaped pears to a flower or hand. Endless possibilities for shaped fruit.

It gives new meaning to playing with your food and could introduce new fruits to kids who will want to eat their fruit at dinner time!