

Turquoise Limeade

Summer drinks are so pretty!  I love the pinks, oranges, blues and turquoise... a rainbow of gorgeous colors topped with sparkling ice and a slice of fruit on the rims.  Umbrellas or other goofy toppers.

I especially love blue and turquoise drinks as they instantly take me away to a place in my head where I'm lounging pool side on a chaise with the sun warming my toes and the water sparkling next to me while I read a fabulous book and relax with my sunglasses on.  Never mind that that never actually happens... but it's my happy place and I like it there! 

This simple drink is Mike's Hard Limeade, but adds syrup and a bit of melon to jazz it up. 

Turquoise Limeade

3/4 shot Blue Curacao Syrup
1/2 bottle Mike’s Hard Limeade
1/2 shot Bols Melon
1/2 Lime

Slice the lime half into four wedges. Squeeze the lime juice into a highball glass and then drop them in the bottom. Add ice over the limes, then pour in the Blue Curacao. Add Mike’s Hard Limeade until the glass is almost full, then top with Bols Melon. Stir.