

Edible Raw Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (and a recipe to eat raw OR bake)

Although I'm not a fan of eating desserts like cookies and cakes... I am a fan of cookie dough and cake batter.  It's probably a little weird that I don't really like chocolate cake, but I love eating chocolate cake batter. 

Ever since I was a kid I've mixed cake mix with water (leaving out the oil and egg) and enjoyed just the batter.  However, I, like most people, have also eaten raw cookie dough with a spoon while making cookies.   Although the chance of salmonella  poisoning is remote and small, it is present - so for that reason, whenever my kids wanted cookie dough, I would simply mix up the recipe but leave out the eggs.

Did a light bulb just go off in your head?

Something I have done for almost 20 years now is make cookie dough without eggs and freeze the dough balls on a baking tray in the deep freeze before transferring to a ziploc.  Needing a sweet treat, wanting a bite of comfort food, or just craving cookie dough?  Not a problem when it's right there and perfectly safe sans eggs!

But there is also a great way to have your cake and eat it too....  (sorry, couldn't help myself).  To make edible raw cookie dough that you can enjoy and still make cookies out of, consider using Powdered Whole Eggs. They are pasteurized so they are safe to eat, but because you still have eggs in the recipe, you can bake them as you usually would and have both edible raw dough AND freshly baked cookies!

Edible Raw Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

1 cup butter, soft
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips (12 oz.)

In a bowl, with an electric mixer on medium speed, beat butter and brown sugar until well blended. Beat in vanilla until smooth, scraping down sides of bowl as needed. Add a mixture of the flour, baking soda, and salt. Stir or beat into butter mixture until well incorporated. Stir in chocolate chips.

***Note:  You can leave the baking soda out if you like since you aren't baking them, but if you leave it in, it tastes a little more authentic.  If you want to make this recipe into baked cookies, simply add 2 eggs to the recipe when you add the vanilla.  And your third option;  using Powdered Whole Eggs equal to 2 eggs means you can eat the dough AND bake cookies from the same recipe.