

Apple Pie Made with Zucchini - ZAPPLE PIE

What smells like an apple pie, looks like an apple pie, tastes like an apple pie... but isn't?  A Zapple Pie!  (Or, at least that is what our family has always called it!). 

Years ago I started to make this pie to use up Zucchini from our over-abundant garden.  It is a family favorite, so it gets made often and I've post the recipe a couple times on An American Housewife.

This time around I did two things differently.  First;  I baked it in a Solar Oven since it was about 105 degree's out and I didn't want to start my oven and heat up the house and second:  I found out in the middle of the recipe that I was out of lemon juice.  I substituted lime juice and guess what?  It was fabulous!  Tasted almost the same and no one could even tell.  So, there you go!

Zapple Pie

5-6 c peeled, scooped out, quartered and thinly sliced zucchini
1 1/4 c sugar or mixture of brown sugar/sugar (3/4 - 1 1/4, adjust to your own taste)
1 t vanilla
4 T real butter
2 t cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg
1/3 c lemon juice + water to make 1/2 c
1/3 c flour
1 pie shell with top crust

Preheat Oven: 450.

In a saucepan over medium heat combine the zucchini, sugar, butter, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add 2 T lemon juice. Stir to mix and cook until tender, about 10 minutes. Mix the rest lemon juice and water with the flour in a cup and stir into the zucchini mixture to thicken. Remove from heat.

Spoon the zucchini filling into the pie shell. Place the top crust on and crimp the edges to seal. Put the pie into the hot oven and close the door. Then reduce the heat to 350. Bake for 25-30 minutes until the top is browned and the filling is bubbling.

Cool completely or slightly warmed to serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Get your zucchini ready!

Easy way to scoop out the seeds!

It looks like apples doesn't it?  Nope!  All zucchini.

Ready for the top crust!

Normally I 'pinch' seal but this time I showed you how to use a fork to seal the edges.

Don't forget the vents

I baked mine in a solar oven but obviously most people use a regular conventional oven.