

Homemade Almond Thin Crackers - (a great low carb and sugar free option)

One of my top 5 Low Carb, Sugar Free *must make* recipes!

This is a recipe our family loves and I think you will too!  A crisp, healthy cracker made from almonds and egg whites.  No preservatives.  No funky chemicals.  Just a good, wholesome, awesome cracker.  Very similar to WheatThins - but they also happen to be low carb and sugar free so if you are doing Atkins or another low carb way-of-eating these are a great addition when you are craving crackers or something crunchy to eat with a cream cheese dip.

After you make these and are comfortable with the basic recipe; play with the spices!  A good way to get idea's is to look at the crackers available in the store.  Chipotle, Jalapeno, dried tomato, ranch dressing mix, etc.  Use your imagination and have at it - or just enjoy it plain with only salt.  So good!!!

Almond Thins Crackers

1 c almond flour or fine ground almonds
2 t Splenda
1 egg white
1/4 t garlic salt
1/8 t garlic powder
1/8 t onion powder

*I use whole, raw almonds and grind them in my Hamilton Beach processor.  Don't add anything, just process until they are ground.  Or you can purchase almonds already ground, called almond flour.

Mix all the ingredients in a food processor or a small bowl. Make sure it's mixed well so all the almond is moist and the dough starts to hold together and form a ball.

Roll the dough out between 2 sheets of parchment paper or well greased foil.  It is very sticky so you need 2 sheets of parchment or foil or it will stick to your rolling pin.

Roll the dough out with a rolling pin as thin as you can - 1/8 of an inch is what to aim for. You should be able to get a rectangle about 9X9 inches. Peel off the top layer and score with a pizza cutter to make about 30 small squares.  Leave them on the bottom parchment to bake and place it on a baking sheet.

Bake at 325 degree's for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Check at 10 minutes and use a metal spatula to gently pry the crackers apart, flipping the ones on the outside to the inside and mixing them up a bit. When all are golden, remove, break apart and let cool completely. Store in an air tight container.

These are incredible by themselves, with cheese or as a cracker dip for any number of spreads. I love them dipped in plain cream cheese with yellow banana peppers as a snack.

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Kirkland Signature Almond Flour Blanched California Superfine, 3 Pounds
Nature's Eats Blanched Almond Flour, 32 Ounce
Almond Flour Blanched (2lb) by Anthony's, Batch Tested Gluten-Free