

Halloween Cake Idea - Red Velvet

Life around here is so busy that to be honest I've almost forgotten Halloween is coming up!   It was easier to keep track of certain holidays when the children were younger.  Now that my kiddos are all getting older and turning into young adults, some of the traditions of itty bitty little children are long gone and even the fun 'bloody' Halloween decor has lost it's fun since my son is off to college!

I decided that a great idea for this month is to re-post some of the Halloween idea's I've blogged in the past.  As a crazy Halloween family, we've done it all!  We even had our house decked out as a full fledged haunted house, complete with a smoke machine!  But... alas.  No more!  My son actually has the smoke machine at college with him and they use it in their dorm!  Ha.

Ok - so here is the first one re-posted again for 2012 because it's just so easy and so good.  Great for a teen or adult Halloween party (a little much for the tiny wee ones!).

A simple addition of a package of realistic looking bloody severed fingers was the perfect addition I needed to pull off a great cake.

Adding the fingers to the top of a homemade layer cake
and throwing in a couple black plastic spiders we already owned
we had a really cool Halloween dessert!

The fingers are plastic - not candles
so they can be washed and reused next year!

What a fun dessert for a party for older teens or adults!