

A Healthier Alternative to Pizza (while we are doing lower carb and sugar free)

If you are a frequent reader of An American Housewife, then you know that for the last 15 years, our family has enjoyed 'pizza night' every weekend that was always coupled with "family movie night".   However, pizza crust is not exactly healthy and is full of carbs. 

While I'm still working to find and perfect a pizza crust recipe that I can use when we are low carbing, (I've tried many but have yet to 'love' one of them)...  I found these flat breads at my local grocery that I think worked perfectly.  I'm thrilled with the results.  I also read all the labels on the pizza sauces available and managed to find one with only 1 gram sugar and 3 carbs so be sure to read your labels.  There are some good ones out there.

The Flat Out flat breads come in a 'light' version and after the dietary fiber is subtracted, it leaves 5 g carbs.  No sugar.  I made individual pizza's out of them (mine has the green olives on it in the photo above - yum!) and half a pizza was more than enough to fill me up!  And although I easily put away 3 or even 4 pieces of regular pizza when I'm really hungry, half of this flat bread pizza filled me up.  I couldn't finish the whole thing - so it is filling and delicious. 


Flat breads
mozzarella cheese
pepperoni, olives, peppers, etc. to top your pizza
sauce - lowest sugar and carbs you can find

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Spread a thin layer of sauce over the flat bread.  Top with your favorite toppings.  Place on a pizza stone or pizza pan and bake until golden brown on top and crisp on the bottom, depending on your oven.  Ours ran about 7-8 minutes.

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