

50's theme party cupcakes!

Let's go back to the 50's tonight!  It's a soda fountain 'malt' (shake) in a cupcake!   If you are a regular visitor to my blog you may have caught this posted once before.  But I've decided perhaps this week will be a cupcake kind of week, so I went to the search engine (to the right) and typed in cupcakes and kind of went, "Oh wow, I've posted a LOT of cupcake recipes!"  This one isn't a recipe so much as a decorating idea.  (Recipes will come later this week) so you can use your favorite recipe or search for one of my to the right in the search bar.  I have all kinds of recipes, including some low-carb and sugar free.  Or, use a cake mix.  The idea behind this post is mostly just an idea to pull off an easy and quick dessert for a 50's Rock-N-Roll themed party!

Rock around the clock, root beer floats, saddle shoes and poodle skirts! Easy to make; I made and decorated about 50 cupcakes for 50's themed event and not one was leftover.

Cupcakes: baked and cooled completely
Plastic straws and scissors
Frosting with a round 'O' shaped tip and decorator bag
Maraschino Cherries in a jar - drained and dry

Cut the straws down about 3-4 inches to make them shorter 
and bend the sipping end

Walmart sells cherries with the stems still attached!

Swirl frosting on each cupcake.
Top with a cherry and sprinkles and finish it off
with a bendy straw!
A malt-shop cupcake!