

Honeyville Almond Flour - Free Shipping

I don't normally post at night as I usually update in the morning but I'm putting this here because I am an idiot and just wasted $4.49 and as a reminder to myself I'm putting this on my website.

We are starting up low carb and sugar free again, so today I placed a couple orders online for items I have a hard time finding locally or cost too much locally.  One of the things I like is Honeyville's brand of almond flour.  It's a finer grain than other brands and it's much better than the almond flour I grind myself.  It's expensive - so it usually takes me two days to convince myself to spend the money and order it (hitting that 'send' button is so hard for a frugal person like me!)  but in the end, I do, and I did.  I was down to half a bag, so I knew I needed to purchase more.

I order straight from Honeyville's site, where their price fluctuates a little but is currently $35.99 and shipping is $4.49.  The order was placed this morning.  Done. Over.

But I just whipped up some brownies (in the oven as I type this) and as I walked out of the kitchen it hit me.  Amazon.  I bet I could have saved on shipping through Amazon.  Sure enough - there it was.  The exact Honeyville Blanched Almond Meal Flour, 5 lb. bag that I ordered... but with free 2 day free shipping.  Darn!!  I could have saved almost 5 bucks.   Be smarter than me.  Check Amazon before hitting that send button!