

Homemade Crackers (flour free)

I have a favorite 'wheat thin' like almond cracker (low carb almond thins)  I've featured many times on my blog (use the search to the right if you haven't seen it).  I've also made a homemade cracker not too long ago I posted - I believe the photo I took was the day I used them with my homemade mushroom soup.  Today I tried a new one.  Not that I really needed low carb crackers for anything right now but having them on hand when I did suddenly want some would be nice.

This is a random recipe I have tucked in one of my binders.  I had never made it before and had no idea where it came from, but it was easy and I had everything on hand that I needed.  In the end, I say it's an ok cracker but it needed some help.  I made it exactly as called for, except when the directions said it should be a thick batter...  mine was more like water.

If you've baked or cooked low carb then you know you ALWAYS have to experiment.  Just using a different brand than someone else is enough to completely change the outcome of a recipe.  I will post at the bottom of this post the brands I used.  When I looked at the watery batter I had, I knew my other low carb crackers utilized almond flour so that is what I decided to use to thicken it up.

Although I use Honeyville brand almond flour my cakes and baked goods, this cracker is a wheat style; which flecks of bran in it, so using my NOW brand Almond Flour with the whole raw almond (unblanched) made sense.

The end result was really thick.  A little bit thicker than an average saltine cracker.  Still, the taste is quite delicious!  When I make these again I think I will pour them out on 2 baking sheets so they are a little thinner.  This way I can use them for soups or for cheese, meat, etc.  But generally speaking, they are a hit.   


1 c whey protein powder
1/3 c oat flour
1/4 c wheat bran
1 egg
1 3/4 c water
1 t salt
2 c NOW brand Almond Flour

Mix all ingredients.  This should make a thick but spreadable batter.  Spray an 11X14X1 inch baking sheet well with cooking spray.  Pour and spread batter onto pan.  Sprinkle with salt.  Baked 25 minutes.  Batter should be set.  Remove from oven and use a knife or pizza cutter to score crackers to whatever size you want. Bake about another 15-20 minutes til crispy and golden.

*Notes - you can see form my photo below that until I added my own version with 2 cups almond flour, my batter was watery.  Nothing like the 'thick but spreadable' the original recipe read.  I added almond flour by 1/4 increments at first until I finally added the last 1/2 cup and it was right at 2 cups almond flour needed to thicken it.  If someone else uses different brand products, perhaps you won't need almond flour, or as much.

When it came to baking, I scored, broke apart, returned to bake and used a spatula to flip them twice more during the 2nd baking.  I used the oven for something else and then after turning it off, replaced the crackers in the oven and left them there for about 6 hours (in the OFF but still warm oven) to continue to dry them out so they are completely crisp and dry and will store in an air-tight container without issues.

 The dry ingredients

 This is not a 'thick but spreadable' batter!

Almond flour to the rescue! 

My nice and thick batter

Scoring the crackers

You might be interested in;

Whole Grain Oat Flour, 22 oz
Nature's Best Isopure Unflavored (Zero Carb), 3-Pound Tub
NOW Foods Almond Flour Pure ,  10 Ounce Bags (Pack of 4)