

Oven Roasted Caramelized Brussels Sprouts with Garlic and Onions

Looking at the length of time between posts lately you would think I haven't been cooking or baking but of course I have.  I've even managed to finagle some photos of dishes I made and sometimes even the step-by-step process which I normally don't remember to.  And then... they've sat in files on my computer gathering cyber dust and never seeing the light of day.

It's been that kind of summer.  Actually, the first week of May is the last 'normal' week I've had before life threw a bunch of curve balls and I've just been keeping my head above water and treading it for now.  It's all I can do.  Tonight is one of those nights when the last thing I feel like doing is updating my recipe site but I need some busywork to keep my brain occupied so I thought I'd open up a few of my food files and see what pictures I had waiting for me to put recipes to.

And here is a 'not really a recipe' type recipe.  And it's good!

Oven Roasted Caramelized Brussels Sprouts with Garlic and Onions

Brussels Sprouts
Olive Oil
Butter (real)
Onions - sliced
smidgen of brown sugar sweetener or brown sugar (just a touch!)
fresh, minced garlic
Salt and Pepper

On a foil lined pan, spread enough olive oil and/or canola oil to cover the bottom.
Place a single layer of fresh, snipped and trimmed Brussels Sprouts.  You can halve them if you wish or you have large sized sprouts.
Sprinkle all over some fresh garlic and slices of onions.  Dot with some real butter.  Sprinkle a tiny bit of brown sugar natural sweetener or brown sugar over all to 'start' the caramelizing process (not *needed* but makes it yummy).  Salt and pepper to taste.

Place in a hot oven 350 ish - bake until they start to look golden.  Turn them and flip them a bit.  Continue cooking until they are turning golden brown and bits of dark brown, with the butter caramelizing and the sprouts are tender. Serve hot.

Of course I took a photo of the pan right before I placed it in the oven and then we ate it up so quickly when it was done I didn't think to get an 'after' photo.