

Removing Fat From Broth

That's not ice cream!

Whether you have a whole chicken, parts or just breasts, a simple broth is made by simmering your chicken in water just to cover and when you remove the chicken, save the water you cooked it in!

A more flavorful and rich broth is made by adding some celery, onion and carrots to the water while it's cooking as well as a tiny bit of sage or thyme perhaps. If you've roasted a chicken and only need part of the juices that run into the pan be sure you add that to your broth or freeze for future use. You don't even have to use the broth right away. Pour it into a container of almost any type and put it in the freezer for a future date! You'll have the best soup, gravy or sauce when you start with real, homemade broth.

Now, what happens if you use a whole chicken and when you take your broth out of the refrigerator or you thaw it from the freezer and you see a thick layer on the top? That's the fat. As the broth cools the fat rises to the top and you are left with a clear, delicious and healthy gel on the bottom layer. Simply scrape or 'lift' the top layer off and discard. You now have a wonderful chicken broth to work with.

See how easy that was?