

Mixed Berry Jam - Jello Jam Style

I have all these recipes that I've tested lately but just never have the time to post!  I'm really preoccupied today and a little stressed so perhaps it is a good day to immerse myself into busy-work like updating a couple posts.

My husband had been wanting and waiting patiently for homemade jam or jelly.  He wasn't picky;  any kind, any style... he just wanted my homemade.  We had a lot of frozen berries in the freezer I wanted to use up so I got everything ready and....  realized we had no pectin on hand.  So much for being quick and easy.  Knowing that some people make a simple jelly or jam using gelatin instead of pectin, I decided to try it.

In the end, I'm going to give it a...  3.5 stars out of 5.   Using Jello instead of pectin results in a softer set so it's not as thick as a normal homemade jam or jelly.  Not a big issue, but something to be aware of.  I also think the mixture of Jello and sugar results in a super sweet jelly or jam.  I'm a fan of cutting back on sugar in my jelly  making but I didn't feel comfortable doing so with this recipe as I thought perhaps the cooked sugar would help the set up process.  Full sugar and Jello gives you a really sweet jam.

Jello Jam

4 c sugar
5 c mashed fruit
1 - 6 oz. box jello
1/2 c water

Cook sugar, water and fruit 15 minutes over medium heat, skimming the top often.  Remove from heat, add jello mix.  Stir until dissolved.  Ladle into hot jars, seal and water process for 10 minutes.  Let cool at room temperature until sealing pop is heard.  If one doesn't seal, just refrigerate and use that one first.  Makes about 5 pints. 


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