
From my Instagram: Keto Blueberry Granola (low carb, sugarfree); first in a 3 part series of blueberry, strawberry and crunch berry

FIRST in the series:  Blueberry (because it's my favorite!) 


I ended up doing 3 cereals - all  of which are currently in glass Mason jars in the pantry ready for us to gobble them up with unsweetened vanilla almond milk! (And extra batches made and food vacuum sealed to refill the Mason jars when they get low.)

This is my favorite so I've made 2-3 batches more in the past week and vacuum sealed them in my food sealer.  

NOTE:  I did try to cheat and just put one small test batch into the food processor to pulse a few times instead of mixing it by hand.  Nope.  Don't do it.  It breaks it all up into too small of pieces and it doesn't bake as well or form nice granola like clusters.  Just cut the butter in by hand - no food processor.





Blueberry Granola Cereal

1/3 c sweetener blend (Erythritol, Allulose, Bocha, Stevia - whatever you like)
1/2 c sliced almonds, crumbled a little bit
1/2 c pecans, chopped
1/4 c almond flour
1/4 c scant Devotion Angel Food Flavor whey protein powder or vanilla Isopure Protein Powder
1/4 c egg white protein powder
1/4 c real butter
1 t blueberry emulsion
1/2 t cinnamon powder

Preheat your oven to 300 degrees.  Stir the dry ingredients plus the emulsion together in a large bowl.  Cut in the butter in pieces until it starts to resemble crumbs. Spread on a cookie sheet lined with parchment or foil.  Bake 12 minutes or so, stir, flip a little bit to get the edges to the center and the inside to the outside.  Continue baking another 5-10 minutes until it's starting to turn golden.

Remove from the oven but leave it on the baking sheet.  Stir it just a little bit, then leave it to cool completely.  It crisps up as it cools.  When completely cooled and crisp, then you can package in an airtight jar or container.  

NOTE:  Play with your recipe to use what you have and what you like.  

  • The sweetener mixture (but having at least 1/3 erythritol is best for it to crisp nicely).  
  • The whey protein powders and egg white powders.  I'm stingy with my egg white protein powder because it's so expensive - almost always use a mixture of whey and egg white unless it's for something 'meringue' like.  
  • I also only use Devotion brand and Isopure brand whey protein powders because they have zero sugar and zero carbs - many whey protein powders have carbs and sugar grams.  CHECK YOURS for accurate counts.
  • I made a batch using a cinnamon bun Flex Flavor packet instead of cinnamon as I wanted to use up some of then as they are flavors I don't typically use.
  • I added a couple tablespoons of Flaxseed meal to the last two batches I made
  • Added chopped walnuts to one of the batches - which I love but then I was 'out' of walnuts and I have to buy more so the other two batches didn't have them.


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Keto Cookies - Shortbread, Peanut Butter and Chocolate! Like a Girl Scout Tagalong!

Over the last 20 years I've been making copy-cat versions of various Girl Scout cookies - some of which I've gotten around to posting on my recipe collection site (the page you are on now).  This is one that I wouldn't hardly call a recipe so much as '3 steps to make' a copycat version of the GS Tagalong cookies.
The Girl Scout Tagalongs (photo above) are yummy and I wouldn't mind splurging on 13 g of carbs for 2 cookies - but there is also 8 grams of sugar.  Umm... no thanks.  But it's just so easy to make a sugar free version that also happens to be low carb and might even fit into your keto plan.  
A basic almond flour based short bread cookie topped with a sweetened peanut butter filling and dipped in a sugar free chocolate coating.  I HATE dipping candies and cookies into chocolate and if you are a 'regular' reader of An American Housewife, then you already know that.  So I choose to do it as little as possible.  But once in a while, for this cookie and a couple others, it's worth it.
TAGALONGS - sugar free and low carb
Any basic shortbread recipe will work if you already have a favorite.  Something similar to this;
2 heaping cups almond flour 
6 tablespoons butter, softened 
1/2 c (powdered) confectioners style sweetener(s).  Mix at least 2 for best flavor.
1/4 teaspoon salt 
1 t vanilla extract 

Mix the dough for the shortbread, and use a 1" or 1 1/2 " scoop to form little balls.  Place on an ungreased seasoned baking sheet or parchment paper and smoosh down to flatten a little.  Bake at 350 for about 10 minutes.  Take them out and let them cool a few minutes on the baking sheet, flip them over carefully with a spatula and put them back in the oven to bake another 8 minutes or so until starting to get a little golden. (Double baking helps them get crisp.)

Remove and let cool completely.  You can put them in the freezer to speed up the process while you mix the peanut butter filling.
Peanut butter
Dash of vanilla

I didn't measure my peanut butter - I just used a rubber spatula and grabbed 2 scoops - so it was probably about 1 1/2 cups.  I added about 1/2 c sweetener, which you can taste test.  Add a dash of vanilla and mix smooth.

Spoon a dab of peanut butter filling on each round cookie.  Place back in the freezer while you melt the chocolate coating.

1 1/2  8-10 oz.  bags sugar free chocolate chips
1 T coconut oil

Melt the chocolate and coconut oil in the microwave for 1-2 minutes and stir smooth. 

Dip each cookie into the chocolate, tap excess chocolate off and place on parchment or a wire cookie cooling stand until the chocolate hardens.  If you live where it's hot and humid you may have to pop them into the refrigerator or freezer to harden.

Peanut butter on the cookie base.....
I really hate dipping candies and cookies in chocolate coatings.... 


I've also posted a couple more in the past:  both sugar free and regular

Caramel Delites
Thin Mint Cookies

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From my Instagram: Cheddar Crisp Crackers - Keto, low carb and one ingredient


I posted this 'recipe' a couple years ago and haven't posted new photos or versions since then, although they've been made quite often!  Here is this weeks versions as I finally grabbed my cellphone while I was making them so I could post new photos.

I also tried to use a sharp cheddar this time that came in 'snack sticks' that are long square shaped logs.  I thought they would be quick and easy and make nice shapes but the Sargento brand I used was not drying out sufficiently.  I cut the little bites into tiny squares but they took a long time to dry out and even then, weren't as nice as the flat slices.  They did puff up and pop a bit but were not as dry and crisp as the flat squares and stayed more chewy.  I had to 'repop' them 2 or 3 times to get them as dry and crunchy as the square crackers.  I don't plan to make those again.

Homemade Cheese Crisp Crackers

Sliced 'hard' cheese of your choice - but 'real' cheese only.  Not 'American' or other soft cheese.

Spices, herbs - optional

I prefer to buy the sliced cheddar and sliced Swiss from  Sam's Club (in the black tub packaging) as it's the perfect thickness but it's also good quality so it makes a good quality crisp cracker with less prep work on my part. If I use a block cheese, I slice it in my food processor using the slicing blade.  

Lay out as many slices as you wish on a sheet of parchment paper or paper towels.  Use a knife to cut the slices into 1" squares, or use whatever little shape mini cutters you wish.  

Lay out all your little cheese shapes on the parchment paper on the counter for about 2-4 days so they start to get dried out.  I laid them out on my dehydrator trays!  I loved this as it was a compact place to keep them, I could rearrange the trays for optimal air circulation and I could easily flip them over and pat them dry with a paper towel. 

As they sit out, the excess oil can be patted with a paper towel.  After about a day or two (depending on where you live and your humidity level) they will be rather empty or hallow sounding when you tap them on the counter, and will start to be dried out.  (Currently very humid where I live and I left them for 4 days.) When they can be tapped on the counter top and sound 'empty' but are firm enough to tap, pop them onto a parchment sheet on a baking pan, add any sprinkles of salt or flavoring if you wish, and put them into a hot, 400-425 degree oven.  Bake them for about 3-5 minutes.  The oils left in them will cause them to 'pop' and crisp and sometimes even jump around the pan.  (I found 4-5 minutes at 400 or 3 minutes at 425 was about right for my oven.)

Pull them out, let them cool... they should be nice and crisp!  Eat them as you wish. 


 2021 photos:   Cheddar slices, cut into squares


Air dried a few days and ready to pop into the oven.



Video of them sizzle and popping.  It takes about 4-5 minutes at 400 degrees or 3-4 minutes at 425 degrees.

Let them cool completely and they crisp up like a cracker

These are the squares I mentioned in my post above.  They take longer to dry out, and didn't bake up as nice and crisp as the flat squares.  I would have to leave them 2-3 more days to dry out more I think but I'll probably just stick to making square crackers!

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From my Instagram - Reposting my Cheese Crisp Crackers - 1 ingredient - low carb, sugar free and keto

This was posted a couple years ago but this week I'm busy making a bunch of these as well as the cheese 'puffs' version (like Moon Cheese) so I thought I'd post this again, and added a photo of finished cheddar crackers.   The new cheddar crisp post is on April 19, 2021.

I've made cheese crackers of various styles and all have their pros and cons depending on what you want to use them with, eat them with or what you are hungry for.  This particular crisp is good for snacking, and it's my go-to to use with spinach artichoke dip. 

Whether you want to flavor them with herbs or spices is up to you.  I do both - again, depending on what I want to use them with.  My favorite is plain, with just a smidgen of salt.  But I did flavor a batch of swiss cheese style a couple different ways...  do some taste tests and see what you like best!

Homemade Cheese Crisp Crackers

Sliced 'hard' cheese of your choice - but 'real' cheese only.  Not 'American' or other soft cheese.
optional: Salt, spices, herbs

Slice your cheese thin, lay it out on paper towels or parchment on the counter/table at room temperature for at least 2 days, up to 4 or 5 to dry it out.  Pat off the oils as they accumulate.  When they are rather dry and a bit hallow sounding when you tap on them with a fingernail, preheat your oven to 400-425.  Place the cheese slices on parchment and bake in the hot oven for 2-5 minutes.  Usually about 3 minutes does it.  They will sizzle and 'pop' and puff up.  When they start to turn golden, remove from the oven and let cool completely.  They will be crisp and dry like a cracker.


  • If I use a block cheese, I slice it in my food processor using the slicing blade.  However I prefer to buy the sliced cheddar and sliced Swiss from  Sam's Club (in the black tub packaging) as it's the perfect thickness but it's also good quality so it makes a good quality crisp cracker with less prep work on my part.
  • Lay out as many slices as you wish on a sheet of parchment paper.  Use a knife to cut the slices into 1" squares, or use whatever little shape mini cutters you wish.  If you use a shape cutter, save the cuttings and place them into a Ziploc baggy and toss them into the freezer to use for another dish, just as you would grated cheese.
  • Now, lay out all your little cheese shapes on the parchment paper on the counter for about 2 days so they start to get dried out.  I laid them out on my dehydrator trays!  I loved this as it was a compact place to keep them, I could rearrange the trays for optimal air circulation and I could easily flip them over and pat them dry with a paper towel. 
  • As they sit out, the excess oil them can be patted with a paper towel.  After about a day or two (depending on where you live and your humidity level) they will be rather empty or hallow sounding when you tap them on the counter, and will start to be dried out.  When they can be tapped on the counter top and sound 'empty' but are firm enough to tap, pop them onto a parchment sheet on a baking pan, add any sprinkles of salt or flavoring if you wish, and put them into a hot, 400 degree oven.  Bake them for about 5.  The oils left in them will cause them to 'pop' and crisp and sometimes even jump around the pan. 
  • Pull them out, let them cool... they should be nice and crisp!  Eat them as you wish.   If we don't finish all of them, I put them in a vacuum food sealed bag or Mason jar.  In a Mason jar or Ziplock, they may go a bit soft due to the humidity, I re-crisp them by popping them into the oven for about 3 minutes.  Vacuum sealed, they stay crisp as long as they are sealed.

These are Swiss cheese

I simply lay them on my dehydrator trays to dry out.  I don't use the dehydrator turned on because it will only melt the cheese.  You don't want to melt it, just air dry it.

You can try different spices or herbs.  I wanted to make a chicken in a biscuit type on one batch so I used chicken flavoring and onion powder along with a bit of rosemary and garlic...  yum!  I also made some chipolate and paprika crackers but I like them plain with no seasonings best of all.

I like to use block cheese sliced in my food processor so all the slices are uniform, for even baking.

You can let them lay out on the counter.  I like to use the trays from my dehydrator as it keeps them in a more compact area and takes up less space.

These are my current 'go to' for use with spinach artichoke dip, guacamole and yellow pepper cream cheese dips. YUM!


The little white appetizer cutter I'm using in the photos is one I got probably 15+ years ago as a free gift for something or other.  I've never really used it much outside of once in a while cutting up meat or cheese for fun little sandwiches when the kids were younger.  I was THRILLED to use it for these cheese crisp crackers!  It's getting a LOT of use now.  I'm not sure what to call it but basically, any small cookie cutter shape will work.  Or just use a knife and cut straight lines to make squares.
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"Gifted" a large crate of leftover green beans - time to FREEZE GREEN BEANS (post with photos included)

Gifted with beans... lots and lots (and lots) of beans.
Last night a family member came over and dropped off a huge crate of... green beans.

I quickly snapped a picture of the crate that I took outside - one of the two bags of "not acceptable" discards is still inside it. 

To freeze green beans

Pick through your fresh green beans, remove those with rust, fungus, etc.
Wash them in cold water.
Snap or snip off the ends.  Leave whole or snap/snip in half.
Bring a large pot of water to boil on the stove.
Prepare a large bowl with cold water and ice in it.
Submerge an amount green beans into the boiling water. 
The amount needs to be not so large that it would stop the water boiling. You want a constant boil.
Work in batches.
Boil the green beans for 3 minutes and remove promptly.
Submerge or dump the green beans into the ice water to stop the cooking process.
Swirl them a bit with your hands or a spoon to evenly cool, then remove to another bowl.
Repeat until all the beans are finished, adding fresh ice as needed to keep the water cold.
Place the amount of beans you wish into your freezer container of choice.


Cooling down quickly to stop the cooking process

Ready to put into freezer containers

I did not plan to do a post on this so I didn't take any more photos and didn't take a picture of the finished products last night.  I simply went to bed.  But I did have the above photos on my phone as I had sent them to a family member while I was doing it.
So I quickly went to the freezer just now, grabbed two of the bags out and took a picture!  Ha ha.
I opted to use a food sealer for ours but you can use any freeze container you wish.
The white at the tops of the bags are paper towels.  When I food seal anything with moisture
I add paper towels in the bags prior to sealing to catch the moisture before the vacuum process.

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My favorite all-time blue cheese dressing!!!

I posted this in March of 2016.  I've made it a zillion bajillion times since I first started to make it (so many years and years ago I can't even remember), and made it again today as we are having hot wings tonight for dinner and my husband prefers blue cheese dressing to ranch with his wings.

I've not posted it in a long time so here is a re-post of it. 


Blue Cheese Dressing 

1/2 c mayonnaise
1 c sour cream
1 clove fresh garlic, minced
1 T scant - white or rice wine vinegar
2 t lemon juice
1/4 t onion powder
1/2 t worchestershire sauce
salt and pepper
1/2 - 3/4 c good quality crumbled blue cheese

Blend and chill at least 2 hours before using.  Best the next day.
*I don't even bother putting in the onion powder anymore.  I haven't for about 5 years now so that's totally optional.  Leave it out if you wish.  The Worchestershire sauce is also optional but just a tiny dash does give it something extra.




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