
Peep Krispy Bars

I was so incredibly busy this year that I completely forgot to tell everyone how to use up their extra Peeps!

I'm sorry! I had the best intentions, but we had a foreign exchange student staying here then and he left the week after Easter. As soon as he was gone I started to prepare for our family vacation to the beach and just now remembered about the Peeps as we returned from vacation 2 days ago and my oldest daughter brought down her 'leftover' Easter candy, which included all her Peeps, since she doesn't care for them.

For anyone who still has Peeps left (you know, the little chicks and bunnies that are sugary marshmallowy goodness) make Peep Krisp Bars! I made these up about 3 years ago when we had a higher-than-normal average of leftover purple Peeps. Yum!

Peep Krispy Bars

3 T butter
30 Peeps (which, really no one should have that many Peeps... so use part Peeps and make the rest up with marshmallows. You'll need a grand total of 10 oz. which is about 40 large or a package of mini. Adjust accordingly to how many Peeps you have to use up!)

6 c crispy rice cereal

Put the butter and marshallow peeps into a very large microwavable bowl and microwave until they puff up and double their size in the bowl. This takes about 1.5 - 2 minutes in my microwave.

Immediately stir in the cereal with a rubber scraper that has been sprayed with Pam style cooking oil or oiled with canola or vegetable oil. Now place the mixture into a greased or sprayed 9X13 inch pan. As soon as they are cool, cut and serve!
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Spinach Garlic Chicken Sausage Revisted

Tonight's menu is Spinach Garlic Chicken 'sausages' and steamed zucchini, yellow peppers and yellow squash in a marjoram butter. Having tried the spinach garlic chicken sausages before, I knew they needed 'help' if I wasn't going to put them into a pasta dish or similar. Tonight I borrowed on the key ingredients I used in the pasta dish I made last time (recipe is on this site) and made them under the broiler.

Spinach Garlic Chicken Sausages

1 package spinach garlic chicken sausages (Target and Costco carry them, as well as some grocery stores)
1/4 c olive oil
1 T fresh minced garlic
fresh cracked black pepper
1 t caraway seeds

Drizzle the chicken sausage with the olive oil, and turn to coat. Sprinkle with the garlic, caraway and salt and pepper. Grill or broil until golden brown, about 4 minutes per side.

Serve with steamed zucchini and squash and yellow peppers that have been seasoned with;

Marjoram Butter

1 stick (1/2 cup) real butter
1 t dried marjoram
1 T lemon juice
1/4 t dried or 1/2 t fresh lemon zest
1 T olive oil

mix well and let set at least 20-30 minutes for flavors to meld before tossing the hot veggies with. Use as much or little as desired for flavor.Print Friendly and PDF

Mini Meatballs in Beer Sauce

It's NFL draft weekend and already 'football' is on the minds of my husband and oldest daughter. Always on the look out for what we call "football food" I found this recipe and thought "my husband will love this!"

Meatballs in Beer

1 lb. ground beef
1 egg
1 small onion, chopped fine
1/2 c cracker crumbs
salt and pepper

Make meatballs by mixing the above ingredients and forming small balls about one inch in diameter. Place on a parchment covered cookie sheet and refrigerate until needed.*

The meantime mix;

1 c ketchup
1 c beer
2 t vinegar
4 t sugar
4 t worcestershire sauce
1/4 c horseradish

Place in a slow cooker/crock pot and cook on hight until it starts to boil. Let it boil about 10 minutes and then add the meatballs. Simmer on low for 2-3 hours until done. (Don't stir them much, as you don't want to break the meatballs apart).


I like to bake the meatballs while I'm making the sauce. If you want to bake your meatballs before adding them to the crockpot, bake them in a jelly roll pan or a cookie sheet with a lip to hold in the drips. Bake at 375 for about 15 - 25 minutes depending on the size of your meatballs. You can add them hot or cold to the sauce. You can even make the meatballs up the day before and add them to the crockpot about 2 hours before you want to serve them.
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Quick Beef Stroganoff

Quick Beef Stroganoff

1 pound steak, cut into small strips

2 T butter
1 small onion, diced
1/2 pound mushrooms, sliced
1/4 cup white wine
1 8 oz. container sour cream
salt and pepper to taste

Quickly cook steak strips in a pan over medium high heat until lightly browned. Remove from pan and cover to keep warm.

Lower heat to medium and cook onion in butter until soft. Add sliced mushrooms and brown them. Return meat to the pan and add salt, pepper, wine, sour cream. Simmer for 5 minutes.Print Friendly and PDF

Homemade Neufchatel Cheese

Neufchatel cheese starts from milk, as compared to homemade cream cheese, which starts of course, from cream. You will want a cheese press for this... but if you don't have one you can still make it fashioning your own press from things you might already have on hand; a canner, 9 inch pvc pipe, a thick rubber band and a mason jar. See link here.

Homemade Neufchatel Cheese

1 gallon of milk, room temperature if it's warm, or heat to about 75 degrees
1/3 c sour milk or starter if you have one

Stir for a minute and then add;

1/2 tablet of a rennet tablet dissolved in 1/4 cool water

Stir for another minute

Let it set for 1 1/2 days in a warm place approximately 75 degree's. After about 18 hours you will spoon off the whey on the surface. Put the curd underneath into a cheesecloth bag and hang it up in a cool place to drain. When the curd is dry place it into a bowl and add a little bit of salt to taste. Mix well. Ladle the curd into a cheesecloth lined cheese form and press it smooth with a spoon and top it with another layer of cheesecloth. Top with 6 bricks and let it set for about an hour, give or take. Wrap and chill. Best used right away but can keep for a week if needed.Print Friendly and PDF

Hot Cold Sesame Noodles

A long time ago, I bought a bottle of hot chili oil at the store and once home, couldn't figure out what recipe I had intended on making with it. For three years I often wondered what it was I wanted to make that involved that hot chili oil. Since I kept it in the refrigerator and it was never opened it just sat waiting and waiting until one day, flipping through a favorite old cookbook of mine I saw something that caught my eye and a light bulb went off in my head. This was the recipe I wanted to make that day almost three years previously!

Hot Cold Sesame Noodles

12 oz. spaghetti, cooked and drained
1 T sesame oil
2 t hot chili oil
1 bunch of scallions, sliced diagonally and then in half again

Toss the cooked spaghetti with the oils and set aside to cool.

1 t cornstarch
1/2 c chicken broth
3 T rice vinegar
3 T soy sauce
3 T dijon mustard
1 T toasted sesame oil

Mix the cornstarch with the broth and cook over medium heat until thick. Whisk in the rice vinegar, soy sauce, mustard and sesame oil. Pour this over the pasta. Serve at once. Will be room temperature at this point.Print Friendly and PDF

Green Goddess Dressing

I have a salad that I first made years ago for my oldest child's First Communion reception that called for a bottle of Green Goddess Dressing. I had no idea that it would be so hard to find! The two 'large' grocery chain stores didn't have it although I found it in a smaller, older grocery in the town next to us. I usually see it in the grocery stores now, but just in case it's good to have a copy cat recipe on hand for future reference.

Green Goddess Dressing

1/2 c mayonnaise
1/3 canola oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 c minced fresh parsley
1/4 c chopped scallion greens
1 T minced fresh chives
1 T white vinegar
2 T lemon juice
salt and fresh ground black pepper

Combine everything in your food processor or a blender until smooth. Chill.Print Friendly and PDF

Mascarpone Frosting

Ever on the quest to find the perfect 'whipped' frosting, I add this to my collection.

Mascarpone Frosting

1 1/2 c heavy whipping cream
8 oz. mascarpone cheese
1 c white sugar
1/8 t salt
1 t vanilla extract

In a small bowl beat whipping cream until stiff peaks form; set aside. In a large bowl combine mascarpone, sugar, salt and vanilla. Beat until well blended and smooth. Gently fold in whipped cream. Spread on cooled cake.
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Tonight I was going through some very old bookmarks I had on a disc from 2002 (?). I saw this recipe and once again, must place it here as a 'reminder' to make it. Yum!


Butter a 3 1/2 quart crockpot. It will cook 2 1/2 to 3 hours on high. To bake in the oven, change ingredients as shown in [brackets], use 4 custard cups and bake 40 minutes at 350 ° in a water bath (set the custard cups in hot water in a pan in the oven).

3 large eggs separated [2 eggs]
1 teaspoon fresh grated lemon peel
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 tablespoons Butter [1 tablespoon]
1 1/2 cup milk [1 cup]
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
3 shakes of mace or cardamon

Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form, set aside. Beat egg yolks and blend in lemon peel, juice and butter and milk. Combine sugar, flour, spice and salt and add to egg-milk mixture. Beat until smooth. Fold in the beaten egg whites. Spoon into crockpot, cover and cook on high for 2 to 3 hours. Or spoon into custard cups, place in a pan of hot water and bake in a preheated 350 ° oven for 40 minutes, until just browned.Print Friendly and PDF

Whole Wheat Bread

I will be the first to admit that I cannot seem to make a decent whole wheat bread. I've tried perhaps 5 different times and I get a big heavy dense 'flop' for the most part. Sometimes I can salvage it by slicing and making grilled cheese but really, I've just not been happy with them.

Tonight I found this one on a recipe board and although I've not tried it, I didn't want to 'lose' it so I am posting it here for future refererence. If you try it first please let me know by email!

Whole Wheat Bread

2 Tblsp. honey
2 Tblsp. olive oil
1 1/2 cups lukewarm water (110-115ºF.)
1 tsp. salt
2 Tblsp. flax seed (ground)
4 cups white whole wheat flour
2 Tblsp. gluten (vital wheat gluten)
1 Tblsp. lecithin
1 Tblsp. yeast

Put all ingredients in your bread maker on the dough cycle or if you use a kitchen aid machine; mix the water, yeast and honey in the mixing bowl and let it get foamy then add the oil, salt, flax, gluten and lecithin and mix. Add half the flour with the paddle blade, switch to the dough hook and beat in enough flour for a soft almost sticky dough.

Knead it for 3 min.; let it rise until doubled. Punch it down, shape it and place it in a 9-1/2 x 5" loaf pan. Let it rise, then baked it at 350º 33 min.
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Cornbread Stuffing with Bacon

I'm such a traditionalist when it comes to my holiday 'stuffing' that I can't believe I'm adding this to my recipe collection. But if I had to choose a top 10 list of foods, bacon would be there, so how could I pass this one up?

Cornbread Stuffing With Bacon

1 lb. bacon - cooked and diced
4 celery ribs; chopped
1 med. Onion; chopped
1 t sage
1/2 t salt
1/4 t pepper
1 Pkg. or 16 oz Cornbread Stuffing
2 T parsley
4 eggs; beaten
2 1/2 c chicken broth (give or take)
1 T butter

To two tablespoons bacon grease, add celery and onion and cook over medium until tender, add sage, salt and pepper. Cook and stir for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in stuffing, parsley and bacon. Mix together. Combine eggs and broth, add to stuffing. Mix well. Spread in a greased pan and dot the top with butter. Cover and bake @ 350 for 30 minutes or until lightly browned.

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Hot Turkey Salad

While surfing the internet one evening a few months ago I came across this recipe. I immediately smiled as it was very similar to a recipe I received about 17 years ago from a dear dear elderly couple in the church parish where I worked as as a secretary. My version called for cooked, diced chicken and this one calls for turkey. So simple, yet I never thought to use leftover turkey for my recipe! Duh! So... for leftover holiday turkey, here is a great recipe to keep. I will always think of Mr. John Fred Davis and his wife when I make it. You can think of me. :)

Hot Turkey Salad

2/3 c. mayonnaise
1 can cream of chicken soup
2 t grated onion
2 T lemon juice
2 c cut up turkey
2 c thinly sliced celery
1/2 c slivered almonds, slightly toasted
2-3 c fresh, sliced mushrooms
2 T grated cheddar cheese
1 c crushed potato chips

Combine mayo., soup, onion & lemon juice. Mix in turkey, celery, mushrooms and almonds. Put into a greased casserole dish. Top with crushed potato chips and cheddar cheese. Bake at 450º for 30 minutes. covered, then 10 minutes uncovered to brown lightly.
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Dirty Martini Dip

Use the martini olive recipe under 'appetizers' to make this dip. I found this on the internet. I'm so glad I did!

Dirty Martini Olive Dip

2 -8 oz packages cream cheese
1/4 c mayonnaise
1/3 c freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 c finely chopped green onion
6 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
5 oz. of Marinated Martini Dirty Olives, drained & chopped
1/4 t Tabasco pepper sauce

Combine all ingredients together. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
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Goji Berry Vinaigrette

I was so excited to find this recipe on the internet! YUM! Use it like a raspberry vinaigrette

Goji Berry Vinaigrette

½ Cup Cider Vinegar
¼ Cup Olive Oil
2 Teaspoons White Sugar
¼ Cup Goji Berries

In a saucepan combine vinegar Goji Berries. Cook over medium heat until Goji Berries soften. Remove from heat; add olive oil, sugar, salt and pepper. Place in blender and mix until smooth. Refrigerate until chilled.Print Friendly and PDF

Goji Berry Salad

Today at Costco we bought a big bag of Goji Berries to mix with Craisins and dried apple wedges to take with on a car trip to snack on. The bag is fairly large so I was looking for recipes to use them in as well as for snacking. This is one of them.

Goji Berry Salad

3 oz. Green Grapes, halved
1 Tablespoon Goji Berries
3 oz. red or black grapes, halved
1 t Lemon Juice
2 Red Delicious apples, diced

Pour lemon juice over the apples and mix everything together to serve as a fresh salad. Can also top with a poppy seed or honey mayo dressing.
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Dirty Olives

Marinated Martini Dirty Olives

1 c green olives
2 T gin
2 T vermouth
1 T of the olive brine from the green olives
1/4 t crushed red pepper
5 (1/4-inch wide) strips lemon peel, each about 3-inches long

Combine all ingredients in a non-reactive dish and cover tightly. Allow olives to marinate at least 2 to 3 hours or up to 4 days in the refrigerator. (If you are only marinating them for a few hours, leave the olives in the marinade at room temperature.)

Yield: 1 cup olives
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Toasted Almond Pudding

I found this one on the internet and it sounded so good I had to put it here to 'hold' it until I can try it. I think it will be good on a cold day.

Toasted Almond Pudding

1 stick butter -- melted and cooled
1 cup flour
7 ounce can coconut
1 cup blanched-slivered almonds
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 (3.4 oz) boxes French vanilla instant pudding
2 cups milk
1 c whipped cream (or an 8 oz. container of Cool Whip)

Mix butter, coconut, flour, brown sugar, and almonds together. Put in a large jelly roll pan with very shallow sides. Bake at 300 degrees, stirring frequently, until mixture is brown. Cool and reserve some for topping.

Mix together vanilla pudding, milk, and whipped cream; chill.

Spread toasted almond/coconut mixture evenly in bottom of 9 X 13 glass dish. With a light touch spread the pudding mixture evenly over the almond/coconut mixture. Sprinkle the top with reserved almond/coconut mixture. Refrigerate.

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Mexican Pumpkin Dip

This is going to look like a bean dip, but it's oh-so-much-healthier! Don't tell anyone it's pumpkin. See if they can guess.

Mexican Pumpkin Dip

1 can (15 oz.) LIBBY'S® 100% Pure Pumpkin
1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened
8 oz sour cream
4 oz diced green chiles
2 T chopped, sliced jalapeños
1/4 t garlic salt
1 medium tomato, seeded and chopped
1 small can (2 1/4 oz.) sliced ripe olives
2 green onions, sliced
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
1 c cheddar cheese, grated

tortilla chips

Mix pumpkin and cream cheese bowl until smooth, adding 1-3 T water if needed. Spread into 8-inch baking dish. Combine sour cream, chiles, jalapeños and garlic salt in small bowl. Spread over pumpkin mixture. Top with tomato, olives, green onions and red onion. Cover; refrigerate for 2 hours. Serve with tortilla chips.

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Hershey's Syrup Brownies

When I was very very young I remember my Mother making these. By the time I was in about 4th grade she didn't make them anymore. I'm not sure why, but she just didn't bake or cook much outside of her 'regular' 10 items or so.

Hershey's Syrup Brownies

1 stick butter
1 c sugar
4 eggs
1 (16 oz) can of Hersheys chocolate syrup
1 1/4 cup flour
1 c chopped walnuts
Chocolate glaze or frosting

Grease a 13x9 pan. Beat butter for 30 seconds add sugar and beat till fluffy. Add eggs one at a time. Stir in syrup then flour and walnuts. Pour into pan and bake for 30-35 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool slightly and then top with a glaze.

Glaze is 2/3 cup sugar, 3 tbsp milk and 3 tbsp butter. Heat till boiling, boil thirty seconds. Stir in 1/2 cup chocolate chips till melted and pour over brownies.

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Individual Cherry Cheesecakes

Individual Cheesecakes

2 pkgs. (8oz) Cream Cheese
3/4 c sugar
2 eggs
1 T lemon Juice
1 t vanilla extract
1 box 'Nilla Wafters
1 can cherry pie filling

Beat the cream cheese, sugar, eggs and extracts. Place cupcake liners in muffin pan. Place a vanilla wafer in bottom of each liner. Fill 2/3 with cheese mixture. Bake 375 for 15 min. Top with 1-2 Tbs. cherry pie filling. Chill 24 hours before serving.

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Pumpkin Bars

As a kid, my mother didn't do much baking. I first tried pumpkin bars at my elementary school after a Christmas concert when all the families would bring bars and cookies to share. I couldn't believe how great they were! It's still one of my favorite bars.


4 eggs
1 2/3 c sugar
1 cup oil
1 (15 oz.) can pumpkin
2 c flour
2 t cinnamon
2 t baking powder
1 t baking soda
1 t salt

Beat eggs, sugar oil and pumpkin. Combine flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Gradually add to pumpkin mixture and mix well. Pour into an ungreased 15 x 10 x 1 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Cool completely. Frost.


6 oz cream cheese, softened
1/2 c butter, softened
4 c powdered sugar
2 t vanilla
4 T milk
dash of salt

Beat ingredients together and add enough milk for desired consistency. Spread over cooled bars.Print Friendly and PDF

Butterfinger Candy

Butterfinger candy

1 lb. candy corn
16oz jar peanut butter
16oz pkg. chocolate candy coating

Melt candy corn in microwave on high 1 minute. Stir and continue cooking in 15-second intervals till melted, stirring after each interval. Stir in peanut butter. Spread mixture in a buttered dish. Cool completely. Cut into squares. Dip in melted chocolate candy coating. Lay on waxed paper to set.Print Friendly and PDF

Todays Spinach Artichoke Dip

This is my third version of this appetizer, but there is a reason for that! We love it! And this is one of those times when I would tell you "don't follow a recipe!" It's so yummy and easy to use a little more or a little less depending on what you have on hand. 

Case in point: Use 6, 8 or even 10 oz. of spinach. Use 1/2 cup mayo or maybe even try sour cream if you would like instead, or heck, go crazy and mix both. The garlic? Don't have fresh, then substitute powder. See how easy this is?

Spinach Artichoke Dip

8 oz. cream cheese
1/2 c mayonnaise (not miracle whip... never miracle whip, pooey!)
1 1/2 t minced garlic
4 artichoke hearts, chopped
1/2 t onion powder
1/2 c fresh shredded parmesan
1/2 c mozzarella cheese
6-10 oz. frozen chopped spinach, thawed

Heat through, stir smooth. Serve with thick tortilla chips, or pita chips.

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Food Porn

I have accepted the fact that some people like chocolate.
I am not one of them,
but I endulge in their quirks
and make them chocolately goodness.

Made possible completely by cheating.
Boxed dark chocolate cake mix.
Canned Triple Chocolate Fudge Chip frosting.
Chocolate sprinkles.

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Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Red Velvet cake is something my family has been making for about 30 years. Traditionally it is served with the whipped frosting that begins by mixing flour and milk on the stove to make a paste. Since cooking and baking isn't done as much nor 'handed down' as much anymore a lot of young cooks have never made homemade frosting, believing it only comes in a can bought at the store. When they do make frosting it's the traditional buttercream or cream cheese frosting (that you find on carrot cake). So the Red Velvet cakes are back in style (everything retro is 'in' again) and it's typically served with a cream cheese frosting now - but I still make it with the old fashioned frosting.

You can make this into beautiful little cupcakes as well. I traditionally make this cake at Christmas because of it's beautiful deep red color.

1/2 c shortening or butter
1½ c sugar
2 eggs
2 oz. red food coloring (1 bottle)
3 T cocoa
2¼ c all-purpose flour
1 t salt
1 t vanilla
1 t baking soda
1 c buttermilk
1 T vinegar

Grease and flour two 8-inch cake pans. Preheat oven to 350. Cream shortening, sugar and eggs. Make a paste with the food coloring and cocoa and add to mixture. Add salt and flour alternately with buttermilk and vanilla. Alternately add soda and vinegar, and don't over beat. Divide batter between the two prepared pans. Bake 30 minutes or until done. Remove from oven. Cool on wire rack 10 minutes, then remove cake layers from pan and cool completely.

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Ugly Little Appetizers

This is one of those recipes that people across the country make, but everyone has a different name for so it's hard to find the recipe!

1 lb. hamburger
1 lb. Jimmy Dean's Sausage
1 lb. Velveeta Cheese
1 pkg. party rye breads

Preheat oven to 350. Brown hamburger and sausage until no longer pink. Drain grease. Add cheese, stirring until melted. Spoon onto rye bread. Bake for 10-15 minutes.Print Friendly and PDF

Vegetarian Vegetable Loaf

2007:  Saved for future reference


Vegetable Loaf  

2 c walnuts, having soaked in water overnight  

1 c almonds, having soaked in water overnight  

3-4 c chopped vegetables (red bell pepper, onions, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, etc.) 

Fresh herbs of your choice - try basil, oregano and dill  

Braggs Liquid Aminos - to taste  


Place nuts in food processor and blend. Slowly add remaining ingredients while processor is still running. Mold into whatever shape you prefer. (I would use a round bunt cake, press to mold and then release on a serving platter for a nice shape. Does not need to be baked, but I'm going to try to bake it to warm and make the outside just a little bit browned and crusted.


If someone makes this and bakes it before I do, let me know what you thought!





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School Pizza Burgers

Back when schools served really delcious food and didn't have to be governed by very slanted government rules, we had some amazing dishes that as adults we remember with a wistful smile. Pizza Burgers are one of those. I'm not sure I can ever copy our schools, but perhaps this one comes close to the elementary school of your childhood.


1 lb. ground beef

1 jar spaghetti sauce

6 slices American Cheese

Grated parmesan cheese

Hamburger buns (homemade is best but I know you probably buy yours. That's ok too!)

Preheat the oven to 375. Brown the ground beef and drain. Mix in the spaghetti sauce. Open the hamburger buns and place them on a cookie sheet and toast them in the oven for a couple minutes. Place a slice of cheese on the bottom half of the bun. Spoon a 1/4 c meat on each bottom bun.

the meat with grated parmesan and bake approximately 10-15 minutes. Print Friendly and PDF

Artichoke Crusted Chicken

I found this recipe on a message board and couldn't wait to try it! Doesn't it sound delicious?

Artichoke Crusted Chicken

This recipe is for pan-seared and roasted chicken crusted with an artichoke-and-cheese mixture. It is best served over Yukon gold mashed potatoes with sauteed vegetables and a roasted pepper cream sauce.

• 1 oz. crumbled goat cheese
• 4 oz. shredded Havarti cheese
• 6 oz. roasted artichoke hearts

Roast artichoke hearts drizzled with olive oil for about 10 minutes at 400 degrees. Allow to cool before cutting. Combine chopped artichokes, goat cheese and Havarti cheese together. Blend well.

2 5-oz. chicken breasts (trimmed)

Heat saute pan over high heat. Add 3 tbsp. of olive oil.
Dredge chicken in seasoned flour and place in heated pan.
Pan sear chicken until golden brown on both sides.
Spread artichoke mixed over chicken breasts and roast in oven at 425 degrees for about 10 to 12 minutes.

• 2 tbsp. roasted red bell pepper (pureed)
• 4 oz. heavy cream
• salt and pepper

Heat heavy cream to a slow boil. Add pepper puree and allow to cook until thickened. Season with salt and pepper.Print Friendly and PDF

Oven Fried Chicken

You'll want to soak the chicken in the milk for up to 24 hours if you can. You don't have to, but it makes for a nice moist chicken.

Oven Fried Chicken

3 lbs chicken, skin and fat removed if preferred

1 cup milk

1/2 c whole-wheat flour

1 T onion powder

1 t garlic powder

1 teaspoon paprika

1/2 t salt

1/2 t poultry seasoning

1/4 t black pepper

1/4 t cayenne pepper

Preheat the oven to 350°. Place the chicken in a sturdy plastic bag or a bowl. Pour in the milk. Allow the chicken to marinate for at least 1 hour or up to 24 hours. After marinating, drain and discard the milk.

Combine the flour and seasonings in an empty bread bag. Shake to combine. Place 1 or 2 pieces of chicken in the bag. Shake to coat. Arrange the coated chicken in a 9 by 13-inch baking pan that has been coated with non-stick spray. Continue until all of the chicken is coated. Lightly spray the tops of the chicken with non-stick spray. Bake the chicken at 350° for an hour. Allow the chicken to cool for 10 minutes before serving.Print Friendly and PDF


Simple Cheese Sauce

A simple cheese sauce has so many uses! We use it for dipping tortilla chips, over broccoli, cauliflower or other vegetables, served over chimichanga's and enchiladas, even as a simple fondue for garlic bread cubes.

Now I'll upset some of the people that feel they need a strict recipe for anything and everything they ever make... because there isn't one. I've got some guidelines, but you must feel comfortable making changes to recipes based on the ingredients you have in your kitchen and your own families likes and dislikes. With something like a cheese sauce, you also need to make additions and subtractions based on what you are using it on. You would add chilies, salsa or onions to the cheese sauce if you were serving it with tortilla chips, but you would only add salt and pepper if you were using it over broccoli. See?

Now, the only reason I'm even putting a cheese sauce recipe on here is because I was surprised to see posts about it on recipe message boards. People really do have a hard time making this! They apparently end up with clumpy, stringy, greasy messes.

There are two (ok, there are more, but for my purposes we'll say two) ways to make a cheese sauce. One is going to use a 'white' base and one doesn't. I'm going to suggest you use the one that doesn't. Why? Because it's so easy and so good that my own kids have been making it since they were all about 9 or 10 years old.

Simple Cheese Sauces

2-4 tablespoons butter
1/2 c milk
4 oz. cream cheese
2-4 other kinds of cheeses (Velveeta, American, swiss, cheddar, monterey jack, colby, mozzarella, etc.)

Place the milk and butter in a saucepan over medium heat (not high!). Drop the cream cheese in by tablespoons or cubes and stir until it starts to melt. At this point add in at least one other kind of cheese, preferably 2-3. I tend to use about 3 oz. velveeta because it melts so smooth and thickens the sauce, I also tend to use about 2 slices of American and 1 cup shredded cheddar and or monterey jack.

Stir or whisk until smooth, do not let the bottom scorch. The heat can be turned to medium-low once the temperature is warm enough to melt the butter and cheese. Adjust the amount of milk to determine how thick or thin your sauce is. Add 1/4 cup if you need it thinner.

When you add a cheese sauce to vegetables, make it a little thick, as even the best drained vegetables still hold water and your sauce is going to be watered down just a little after it mixes with the veggies.

When using it for fondue for bread you will want it a little thin only because as it cools even a little it will thicken up.

Add 1/2 cup salsa, some chilies, tobasco sauce and/or onions or drained black beans for a tortilla dip.

Use as is on enchiladas, then serve with salsa and sour cream on the side to top.

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Spinach & Feta Pizza

I made this up last night because I wanted a greek style pizza (that I typically make) but I had very little mayonnaise and no black olives. This is what I came up with instead and the entire thing was devoured by 5 kids from ages 11-16. I managed to get 1 piece and boy was it good!

Spinach & Feta Pizza

1 pizza crust
1/4 c mayonnaise
6 oz. cream cheese
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 t dried oregano
1 c feta cheese, crumbled
1 c fresh spinach leaves
1 small red onion, sliced thin
1 small tomato, sliced thin

Mix the mayonnaise, cream cheese and garlic until smooth. Add 1/2 c feta cheese. Spread over the pizza crust, sprinkle with the oregano and place in 410 oven for about 10 minutes. Remove and top with the spinach, onions, tomatos and the remaining 1/2 c feta. Bake until done, about 5-10 minutes depending on the pizza pan or stone that you use.

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Short Cut Rhubarb Cake

Short Cut Rhubarb Cake

1 Box yellow cake mix
3 cups Rhubarb, sliced thin
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup whipping cream, not whipped

Mix cake as directed on box. Pour into greased 9 X 13" pan. Sprinkle rhubarb over cake batter. Sprinkle the sugar on top of the cake/rhubarb and then pour the cream over top of all. Bake in 350 for 40 minutes.Print Friendly and PDF