
Edible Worms - Great for Halloween!

This is a blast from the past, but it's a good one.  Yes, one year when the kids were younger, I made edible worms.  And not pretty red and yellow jello worms, but worms that were a nice ugly color.

They may have looked gross, but totally realistic and tastes good. 

Yes, they taste good - truly! They taste like a dessert of jello and whipped cream.  But OMGosh to see a pile of them is just so gross. LOL. Still - perfect for a Halloween party so? Knock yourself out. They are worth it.

Edible Worms

2 packs (3 oz)  jello (I used peach - but a red jello will give you 'browner' worms)
1 pkg unflavored gelatin
3/4 c heavy cream
3 c water
10-15 drops green food coloring
50-100 brand new, flexible straws in a box

Boil the 3 cups of water and mix it with the jello and gelatin in bowl. Let it cool to lukewarm and then add the whipping cream and green food coloring.

Pull the tops of the straws out so the flexible part is elongated.  Jam all your straws back in the container.  Place the cardboard into a tall container like a juice pitcher.  Pour the jello/gelatin mixture to the straw-filled container and let it chill until firm.

After the jello sets you can squeeze the straw with your thumb and forefinger and drag it along the straw to squeeze the worm out.  I've also heard you can hold the straws over warm water and they will slip right out of the straw tube.  Place them in a chilled bowl and serve to hungry party goers!

I chose to put all the straws back into the cardboard container, then placed the box into a juice container.

I removed the cardboard by ripping it and pulling it off. A congealed mess
awaited me... but it smelled yummy! I used peach jello so
it smelled like peaches and cream.

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