

#WhatsForDinner? - Tonight's dinner is..... Marinated Grilled Pork Chops with Jalapeno, Cream Cheese & Bacon

I'm sitting here in the office waiting for my husband to get home from work... dinner is made and I thought what the heck, I'd post a #WhatsForDinner?  post.  Tonight it's grilled pork chops!

I've posted this one before (just search for it in the search box to the right or at the top of the page) - it's pork chops that have been marinating in salsa, then grilled.  At the end of the grill time I top them with a scoop of spicy mixture that uses cream cheese, jalapenos, cheddar cheese and crumbled, cooked bacon.

Oh... so .... good....

My husband is not a fan of pork chops but he will gladly eat these!  We love them and so far, everyone we've made these for does too!

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