
A basic homemade sugar scrub recipe and two ideas for scents that I used: Lemon Orange and Apple and a jar of my favorite - Vanilla Peppermint



This morning I had 10 minutes free so I decided to quickly whip up some sugar scrub for the shower.  Originally I didn't plan to put it on my recipe site so I didn't even have my phone with me in the kitchen.  At the last second I decided I might want to, so I grabbed my cell phone and snapped pictures - these are those.

Although there is a very basic 'idea' recipe for sugar scrubs... you don't really need a recipe.  What you need is a few basic products (only two really... the rest are all optional) and other than that, additions are completely up to you and your nose.

A Basic Sugar Scrub

  • 1 c white granulated sugar
  • 1/2 c oil of your choice (olive, coconut and almond are popular choices) 
  • Essential oils 
  • Extracts 
  • Almond Oil 
  • Tea Tree Oil 
  •  Dried orange/lemon peel 
  • Himalayan Salt
  • Coffee Grounds
  • Lavender etc. or spices like cinnamon

Blend the sugar and oil - add 15-20 drops of your favorite essential oil scent, and/or 1/2 t of your favorite extract and mix.  Smell test and add according to your personal likes.  If you think it's too dry, add a tablespoon of oil, if it's too moist, add a tablespoon of sugar, stir, and add until you are happy with the texture.   

Spoon in to a jar with a tight lid.  Small wide mouth mason jars are perfect.


Here is when I first started to grab items from my kitchen.

I chose coconut oil for one blend because I have a lot of it and I really don't like cooking with it.  I am low carb/keto and a lot of recipes call for it but I am one of those people who can taste coconut  in anything... even if it's a small amount.  I like some coconut candies but I really really don't like using coconut oil or coconut flour for the most part.  So I decided to use it as the base of a sugar scrub.



To the coconut oil sugar scrub I wanted to use something with orange and lemon.  I would have loved a lavender orange or lavender lemon but I don't have lavender oils or dried real lavender right now so instead, I went with....



1/2 c warmed coconut oil, a half cap full of dried lemon peel, a half cap full of dried orange peel, 1 cup of white sugar, and 1/2 t apple extract.  I added the apple after pondering the lemon/orange/coconut.  It needed one more thing to offset it just a touch and I decided apple was perfect.

It was. If I had to describe this one... it smells similar to an orange Julius drink.


I love the bits of dried lemon peel and orange peel.  It's really pretty!


But now, my favorite!

My personal favorite is vanilla peppermint.

I didn't want to use coconut oil for this one so I used avocado oil as it was right in my pantry.  I have peppermint oil on hand and I used the Watkins (good) vanilla from my cupboard.  I used sweet almond oil in this one and would have loved to use the sweet almond oil for the whole base, but it's expensive and I didn't want to use my entire little bottle up, so I opted to use just 1 T.  I also added a tablespoon of himilayan salt to this one.  It has healthy properties but honestly I was hoping the pink salts would color the scrub as well; it didn't really, and I don't want to use food colors in my natural scrubs so I left it as is.

My Peppermint Vanilla Scrub

1 cup sugar, just shy of 1/2 cup avocado oil, 1-2 T sweet almond oil, 25 drops peppermint oil, 1/2 t vanilla extract and 1 T Himilayan salt.


NOTE:  the difference in the consistency and texture.  The top is more whippy and thick as it's made with a coconut oil base.  The bottom is more liquid as it's an avocado and almond oil base. They make no difference in use, but you may prefer one over the other.


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