In May of 2021, I posted a "6 month taste test" of my home canned butter. At the time, I was thrilled it was so wonderful yet at six months but now, in 2022, how is it?
Last night I grabbed one of the 2020 jars of home canned butter and opened it for a taste test and... it was perfect! A beautiful 'butter yellow' color and the taste? As perfect as the day I canned it.
I'm extremely happy with it!
Here is a copy of part of my original "six month" taste test of my home canned butter - but I can attest that after almost 18 or so months out, it's still as perfectly delicious as the day it was canned.
It had good, even color. It had a light, fresh, 'buttery' smell.
Basically, I want to have the option of having and storing butter without depending on electricity.
update the next day... I made another 18 jars yesterday. Finished the
'shaking' during solidifying process last night around 9:15 pm. What a
great feeling to see the fruits of your labor!)
Thrilled! That's how I felt about this can of 2020 canned butter last night. It was just as perfect as the day it was canned in the Fall of 2020.