
Lots of Valentine Cookie Ideas!

I'm a Mom of three... with a blog I've had since 2006.  Yes, I've posted more than a few cookie recipes.  So, this morning as I sipped my coffee and got ready to open a new posting window I realized I really should just draw your attention to the traditional cookies our family tends to make;  already posted!

Anti-Valentine Cookies for my daughter
Actually, they are traditional for us, but probably not for you.

You see, starting in 2008-ish, I started to make anti-valentine's day cookies as well as my 'cute' cookies.  You can read the story in the link below - how I needed 'manly' cookies that year.  And by then I also had a teenager in the house.  With teenagers come ex-boyfriends so my manly cookies also turned into anti-valentines cookies, that I've continued to send her packages of at college, as her roommates and friends love them!  Even those with boyfriends.


Anti-Valentine Cookies for the year my daughter broke up with her boyfriend
When I needed 'manly' Valentine Cookies for my husband
Quick and easy cake balls with no baking! 
Cute little Valentine heart cookies for my daughter back in 2006
Meringue Kisses - two sealed with chocolate!
Almond Truffles - so pretty and so good!

Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing that hardens for travel or goodie bags


3/4 c sugar
6 T butter
1/3 c shortening
1 large egg
1 T milk
1 t vanilla
2 c flour
1 1/2 t baking powder
Dash of salt

Cream the sugar, butter and shortening. Add the egg, milk and vanilla. Add the flour, baking powder and salt then mix just to blend. Chill dough for at least 2 hours. Roll about 1/4 inch thick on a lightly floured surface and cut into shapes. Bake on parchment lined cookie sheets for approximately 8 minutes at 370 degrees.

Decorate however you want!

A 'Royal Icing' recipe you can use if you would like (what I used on the cookies I made in the photo above) must be kept covered when not in use as it dries quickly, and on the finished product, dries hard. This works great for travel and stacking, or in children's Valentines Goody Bags as I made for my daughter.


4 c confectioners' sugar
3 large egg whites
1/2 t cream of tartar
1/2 t vanilla
1 T water

Beat 6 minutes on high
(add more or less water depending on stiff it is and how stiff you want it).  Decorate as you wish. I also used 'edible' food color markers to make the hearts and write on them after the base layer of icing was dry.

Cute cookies I took to the office

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