Years ago I would spend bigger money than I would like to have, to purchase extra large sized fresh shrimp; painstakingly wrap them all with strips of bacon, chop onions and peppers and finally, thread them all on skewers to grill for dinner. If I was doing enough for guests, this could take over an hour.
It was time consuming and as our family got older and busier, there just wasn't time for it. That slowly led to me just chopping the veggies up, adding the shrimp and marinating them in a baggy with olive oil, salt and pepper, and throwing it all together along with diced bacon into a grill basket. This was yummy but it's hard to get everything to cook evenly.
Over the past 6 years I've found myself making it all three ways. If I have time, I grill the bacon wrapped shrimp on skewers along with peppers, onions and mushrooms on separate skewers, and serve all together. If we want to grill but didn't have time to do the prep work (which is about an hour that way) we use the grill basket. But often, when it's a "Oh no, it's 5:40 and I want dinner on the table at 6!" kind of night, I've found it so fast and easy to make this on the stove. I've even made it in the Instant Pot once by using the saute' function for the whole meal and not sealing it.
Here is the quick version - no recipe needed as you just use the amount of bacon, shrimp, peppers and onions you wish.
Bacon, Shrimp & Peppers
Raw, cleaned, shrimp (You can grab frozen from the freezer, rinse under cold water in a colander to thaw)
Peppers - orange, red, yellow - chopped
Onions - any style you like/wish
Bacon - diced
Olive oil, salt and pepper
Fry the diced bacon in a pan on the stove. You might have to add some olive oil to the pan to start so the bacon doesn't stick if you don't have a non-stick pan. When it's golden brown, remove it to a plate and in the same pan, add the vegetables. Season with salt and pepper. There should be enough fat left in the pan to cook the peppers but in case there isn't, drizzle with a bit of olive oil. When the peppers and onions are starting to get soft and lose their crisp, add the shrimp. Shrimp cooks quickly so stir, moving the ones starting to turn white to the outside, the uncooked to the center. As you stir and cook, it should be almost done in just 3-4 minutes. When all the shrimp are just about finished, add the bacon back in and stir all. Remove to your serving platter.