

SO many idea's for Super Bowl (the Big Game) Get Togethers

This morning I was sipping my coffee and thinking about Super Bowl parties, menu's, foods...   I started to come up with menu's except... I kept remembering more and more great recipes I've posted that would be perfect as well.  And too, when I would click on the recipe on my site, I would see the recommended recipes under that post and see yet another one that looked like a great choice.  The list of foods was getting too long to be useful!

In the end, I realized I had too many great ideas.  I've been posting to my website for 7 years.  I have thousands of recipes.  So, in the end, I grabbed a few idea's, put them in the image above to get you started, and thought I would just point out that I have labels in the right side bar to help your search, as well as a site search that you can type in any search word you wish.   I've now made myself very, very hungry. 

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