
Homemade Chocolate Pie

The other night my daughter wanted a chocolate pie for dessert. I told her she should make it herself using a simple pudding mix, but we found we didn't have any chocolate pudding mixes. Not a big deal to make it from scratch but it's not something she wanted to do. Her smile and her "please Mom?" of course made me grin. Yes... she got her chocolate pie. I like to freeze this one - as my family likes it partially frozen when served. You be the judge for your own family!

Chocolate Pie

* 3 T unsweetened cocoa
* 1/3 cup flour
* 3/4 cup sugar
* 3 egg yolks
* 1 cup water, divided
* 2/3 cup milk
* 2 T butter or margarine
* 1 t vanilla
* baked pie crust

Mix cocoa and flour in saucepan over low heat and whisk in about half of the 1 cup of water, just enough to make a smooth paste. Blend in the sugar and the beaten egg yolks and add remaining water and milk.
Continue cooking over low or medium low until it starts to thicken. Stir and whisk constantly and be sure to get the bottom and edges. When thick remove from heat and stir in vanilla and butter. Pour into a prepared crust. Chill. Serve with whipped cream!

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