
Homemade Whole Wheat Garlic Pita Chips

I may never buy store bought again.


They are that good.

As a general rule I don't buy a lot of pita pockets. Perhaps a couple times a year for gyro's and that is about it. We tend to favor 'wraps' more than pockets and it works well for us. However, I picked up some whole wheat pita pockets intending to make gyro's and then... never got around to it. They were in the deep freeze forever and when I transferred them to the refrigerator hoping that they would be eaten and used for impromptu sandwiches or wraps, well, it just didn't happen. Four pita pockets just sat there day after day being overlooked by our entire household. (Me included.)

They were going more stale and dry by the day and it was either finding the time to make pita chips out of them or tossing them in the trash. Yesterday I had to bake cookies for a football dinner so the oven was on anyway and I was also going to be in the kitchen canning 3 more pints of salsa to use up those kazillion little tomatoes that would also go bad if I didn't do something with them so... it was the day to finally make the pita chips.

Is there a precise recipe? No. Not really. It's all going to depend on your tastes. My family loves garlic so I chose to use garlic as the spice of choice. And even though 2 cloves may be the norm for a batch this size, I used more like 6. LOL. If you don't like garlic - just use salt and pepper. You don't need to add spices at all if you like them plain or will be pairing them with a great dip! You can also choose to sprinkle them with everything from oregano or chili powder to a mixture of garlic and parmesan. You choose. Have fun with it.

Homemade Whole Wheat Garlic Pita Chips

Cut a package of pita pockets or pita bread into 8 triangles (4 cuts, pull apart)
1/2 c olive oil
2-4 cloves mashed or pressed garlic
salt and pepper

Brush the triangles with a mixture of the garlic and oil and salt and pepper. Cover both sides. Bake on a baking sheet or stone at 350 or 375 for about 12 minutes until the chips are crisp and the edges are brown. Don't over bake to a very dark brown or half may burn. Do not under bake or they won't be crisp in the centers. Flip and move them a couple times during baking to assure they are evenly baked.

Sprinkle with more salt straight from the oven if they need a bit more flavor. Serve with your favorite hummus or spinach dip recipe or just eat them plain because they are really so incredibly they don't need a dip!

Take a package of pita pockets and make 4 cuts from the flat end to form 8 triangles each when the 2 sides are pulled apart.
Brush them with olive oil on both sides and place them in the hot oven to bake for about 10-12 minutes until crisp.

After they are baked and cooled place them in a bowl and serve! Bet you can't eat just one! *grin*Print Friendly and PDF