The other night at dinner my 13 year old found out through the course of our family conversation that mayonnaise had eggs in it.
"Eggs?!" she exclaimed, she didn't believe us.
"Honey, mayonnaise is eggs. Whipped with a bit of oil and some spices. That's why you can make cakes with it." "You put mayonnaise in our cakes!?"
She was even more aghast. Perhaps this was more information than she wanted! Ha ha.
"Well yes, your favorite chocolate cake that I make with the whippy marshmallow like frosting? That cake is made with mayonnaise."
I think I completely grossed my 13 year old out. *grin*
Yes indeed, mayonnaise is... eggs. And delicious eggs at that! Such a fresh taste you'll want to smear it on everything from a grilled turkey burger to a tomato, lettuce and bacon sandwich. There are many (many, many, many) versions for homemade mayonnaise. Some are basic with little flavor, some are intense with crazy additions, others are a basic mild spicy version even a delicious hint of lime.
Here is just one version that includes just a touch of spice to give it a great flavor.
Homemade Mayonnaise
2 large eggs
2 T lemon juice
2 t Dijon mustard
3 drops hot pepper sauce
1 1/2 c oil
Combine the eggs, lemon juice, mustard, and hot pepper sauce in a blender or food processor. Blend 5 to 10 seconds and with the processor or blender still running, add the oil in a very slow stream through the opening in blender cover. Drizzle it slowly and don't rush it as you want to incorporate the oil. Blend until smooth, scraping sides occasionally for even blending. Add just a tiny dash of salt to enhance the flavors of the spice. Season to taste.