

Long Island Iced Tea

Art Poster Print - Long Island Iced Tea - Artist: Nancy Overton - Poster Size: 8 X 10 inches

It's probably not a surprise to my readers that 'know' me by now, that I've never had a Long Island Iced Tea. I don't care for the taste of alcohol so it's rare that I would choose the alcohol version of anything when I have a virgin alternative. When we used to live in Minnesota, a friend of mine happily professed her love of "Long Island Iced Tea" in the summer and silly me, I always assumed it had tea in it. This week I found myself thinking about a Long Island Iced Tea and how good it sounded on a hot day, so I looked up various recipes for them online. What a surprise, no tea needed.

For those HOT summer days; Long Island Ice Tea

1 part vodka
1 part tequila
1 part rum
1 part gin
1 part triple sec
1 ½ parts sweet and sour mix
Splash of cola

Mix ingredients together over ice in a glass. Pour into shaker and give one brisk shake. Pour back into glass and make sure there is a touch of fizz at the top. Garnish with lemon.

Variations I found on the traditional Long Island Iced Tea

  • Peach Long Island: tequila is substituted with peach schnapps
  • Jersey Tea: cola is substituted with a shot of Jaegermeister
  • Pittsburgh Tea: tequila is substituted with Wild Turkey
  • Long Beach Iced Tea: cola is substituted with cranberry juice
  • California Iced Tea: cola is substituted with orange juice
  • Tokyo Iced Tea: tequila is substituted with Midori liqueur and cola with lemonade
  • Alaskan Iced Tea: cola is substituted with Blue Curaçao
  • Blue Motherfucker or Electric Iced Tea: triple sec is substituted with Blue Curaçao and cola with Sprite
  • Tennessee Iced Tea tequila is substituted with Jack Daniel's
  • Beverly Hills Iced Tea cola is substituted with Champagne
  • Harvard Iced Tea cola is substituted with Champagne , tequila is substituted with Gin
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