
May the Fourth.... Be with You! Happy Star Wars Day!

Cookies, cupcakes, pancakes or sandwiches?  If you are a big Star Wars fan you might say "All of them!"

Friday, May 4th is "Star Wars Day" - because of course when you say the date "May the fourth", any good Star Wars fan is going to finish your sentence with "be with you!"

Here are some goodies I found on the net.  Your lunch box comes complete with Star Wars shaped Sandwich Cutters!

These little guys are harder to track down.  Star Wars stencils to use on your cupcakes or cakes!  Just hold them in place and sprinkle with confectioner's sugar.  Anyone can decorate like an artist. *update:  As of this morning they are currently out of stock on this item.  However in the middle of the page are other fun Star Wars items to browse;  cake pans, chocolate molds, jello molds and more all in shapes and characters from Star Wars.

And lastly, the cutest ever!  How can your child (or your husband or even yourself) say "no thanks" to YODA PANCAKES? 

And just because I love free online printables and other fun crafts...
Clone Trooper Cupcakes
Free Star Wars Coloring Pages
Star Wars E-Cards
Stormtrooper and Darth Vader Paper Craft
Death Star PinataPrint Friendly and PDF