
Ras Al Hanout

I love learning about new spices and discovering something new.  This is new to me, and perhaps to some of my readers as well.  It's a spice mix that is distinctly North African.  Ground fresh is best but even a good quality ground spice will work!  (If you don't want to make it yourself, you can buy it; Ras El Hanout  )  Try it on lamb, beef or salmon!

Ras Al Hanout

1 T cinnamon
1 t ground cardamom
1 t ground nutmeg
1 t ground cumin
1/2 t freshly ground black pepper
1/4 t turmeric
1/4 t mace
1/4 t ground coriander
1 c ground, dried rose petals

Whisk all the ingredients together in a bowl.  Store in an airtight jar.  Be sure to only use roses you've grown yourself with no pesticides - do not use roses bought commercially for decorative purposes as they've been heavily sprayed and are not for human consumption.Print Friendly and PDF