
Homemade Hot Oil Treatments - Coconut Oil for Your Hair

If you have even 4 minutes of 'free' time you can whip up this oil treatment for your hair. Four minutes! Who doesn't have four minutes?

Hot Oil Treatment for Your Hair

6 T coconut oil
2 drops tea-tree oil (also known as ti-tree oil)
3 drops rosemary oil
2 drops essential oil of your choice for scent - lavender works well

Blend together and store in a dark colored glass bottle. To use, place the bottle into a cup or container you've filled with very hot water and let set for 2 minutes to warm the oil. Using about 1 tablespoon, massage into your hair and scalp. Coat the hair, don't saturate it. Cover with a cap, wrap in saran wrap or wrap in a hot towel and have a cup of tea or surf online for about 20 minutes and then shampoo out and rinse.

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