

Pizza Baking Stone and Peel (Paddle) to Lift it

Readers of my blog know that in our household, every Saturday night is homemade pizza night. Although our "Family Night" evolved to "Movie Night" and then later, "Pizza Night", it's been happening in some shape or form every weekend since 1998 when the kids were all under the age of 7 and one of them, just a toddler!

Now I'm known in their circle of friends for my pizza and we regularly have at least 2 extra kids make sure they are here around 6:00 on Saturday just because they know I'll be making pizza. The kinds of pizza may change, but typically we'll have one pepperoni and at least one of 'something else'. This weekend it was Ranch Chicken Pizza and Two Cheese Pizza and I'm happy to say we've won over another stomach. My Ranch Chicken Pizza was deemed "the best yet!" by one of the visiting teens who had never even heard of it, much less had it.

I am going to update with photos and the recipe of Saturdays pizza, but first I thought I would point out that I do bake on pizza stones. I have blogged in the past about my reluctance to cross over to baking stones. While everyone I knew had a Pampered Chef stone, I held off. I finally relented, gave it a try and.... immediately ordered a second! LOL. I now bake pizza (and bread, mozzarella sticks, biscuits, jalapeno poppers... etc.) on nothing else but my stoneware.

The only thing I do wish I had was a wooden paddle to lift the pizza off the stone so I don't have to bring the stone out of the oven each time as I notice I am scratching the top of my glasstop stove a bit by doing so, even though I try to be very careful. This morning I found this Pizza Stone and Peel Set on Amazon and decided to put it on the blog to pass the word around. Using the peel (paddle) you can not only lift to check the crust of your pizza while it's baking, but you can lift off the pizza and place it on a serving tray or counter top without having to remove your baking stone each time. Love it.

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