

The Goodies are Delivered and the Trays are Made

Unfortunately I didn't get to make everything on my list before the calendar rushed ahead and a couple deadlines loomed but yesterday I got the baked goods delivered to about 8 neighbors (along with a 'Thank You' for helping us dig out of the blizzard a couple weeks ago!) and 3 goody trays are made for my husbands place of work, ready to be delivered tomorrow. Of course I saved extra for a few other gifts, a large tray for our own family celebrations, some to share, etc. Even without making all 27 items on my list I had more than enough to go around.

I still have to make "People Puppy Chow" for my 17 year old son but other than that my baking for 2009 is done. How about you? Did you fare well?Print Friendly and PDF