
Whipped Cream Fruit Salad

This is what I call a 'back pocket' recipe.  A recipe you keep in your back pocket to pull out when you need to use up something, or need a very quick last minute addition to a meal, etc.  This is actually something my Grandma would make so when I think about it, it's usually a childhood memory of eating this while I was barely able to see over the edge of the kitchen table and my elbows were pretty much at the same level as my ears.

Don't worry about amounts and feel free to go crazy to add what you wish.  I made this the other night to use up some Yellow Delicious apples my daughter had insisted we buy because she loves them and was going to eat all of them.  No one else in our household likes Yellow Delicious apples.  She didn't, and I was left with two lonely, pathetic looking apples.  I mixed it with a crunchy Braeburn apple and a banana.  You can also add sweet things if you are so inclined.  My Mom likes to make this with chopped up Snickers candy bars.

Whipped Cream Fruit Salad

Heavy Cream (plus a bit of vanilla and sweetener) OR if you are Cool Whip kind of person, use that
Fruit:  apples, bananas, Mandarin oranges, grapes, etc.
*optional;  chopped up Snickers candy bars, mini marshmallows

Whip the cream and add vanilla and sugar or Splenda to taste.  I like about 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar or Splenda per cup of heavy cream with about 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.  Start with 1 tablespoon, taste, and add by 1/2 tablespoons until it's as sweet as you like.

Stir in various chopped or diced fruit.   Apples and Snicker bars are my Mom's favorite.  When I make this I tend to stick with all fruit.  Serve right away or chill until needed.Print Friendly and PDF