
Sausage Gravy with Biscuit Bread made from the Pancake Mix #10 can

One of my favorite 'comfort food' breakfasts, sausage gravy and 'biscuits'. 

Sausage Gravy and Biscuits

Brown about a pound of sausage (or as much as you want - amount doesn't matter)
Flour -  When brown, add about a 2 teaspoons of flour per pound-ish 
Garlic Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste - but a little heavy as it's a main part of the sausage gravy
Milk of any form;  dry milk, evaporated milk with some water added, half and half, cream, reconstituted milk, etc.

Brown the sausage in a skillet or pan - using some oil, shortening or bacon drippings to start it out if it's a bit dry.  When brown, sprinkle flour over the mixture and work in with your spatula for about a minute.
Add milk/cream of whatever style you are using or have.  Adjust as thick or thin as you like your gravy.  Bring it to a boil, and be prepared to add a little more or add water to thin because the flour will start to thicken the gravy when it hits the boiling point.  When it's as thick/thin as you like, add garlic salt and pepper to taste.
Serve over biscuits.

One or two teaspoons flour per pound (or so) of sausage

Mix it as you bring it to a boil and then reduce the heat

It will suddenly start to thicken as it hits the boiling point.  Add more milk or some water to thin if you need to.

Serve with biscuits, or in this case the bread I made using the long term storage "pancake mix" - posted about a couple days ago.  https://www.housewifebarbie.com/2024/01/living-on-food-storage-lofs-auguson.html 

The 'bread' is basically just a crumbly biscuit in bread shape and I had some left, so I made this sausage gravy to day for breakfast to use up the bread.  We have a bit left yet (because we also have our daily regular bread for sandwiches and toast) so tomorrow I may use it for a cheese and egg biscuit or similar. 




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