So many things that we do during our days without any thought may be something 'new' to another person. This is one of those things!
While preparing a marinade last week for steak I got out a large gallon sized ziplock baggy and a bowl. Opening the baggy I placed it in the bowl and proceeded to add the ingredients and then picking it up out of the bowl, gave it a swish to mix and then add the meats and sealed it tight.
While doing this I remembered years ago when I first started to make marinades regularly I would often put them in a pan. Later I tried ziplock baggies but would fight with them laying on the counter and 'opening' and 'shifting' thereby spilling their contents on my countertop!
About 10 years ago I just started to set the baggy inside a bowl to 'hold it in place' while filling. I've never looked back.
So todays topic; Make a marinade! The easy way......