
Sherbet Macaroons - the Surprise Cookie

I've had fun bringing my readers a lot of quick, easy cookies that start with a cake mix and we've done everything from lemon to caramel to chocolate and more but wait! I have another! This one is from Pillsbury and is actually more of a macaroon... but starts with a cake mix! I have a surprise though... ice cream. Well, sherbet actually but really, who would have thought that mixing ice cream and a dry cake mix would give you the base for a quick, easy and delicious cookie!?

Sherbet Macaroons

1 pint orange sherbet
1 package white cake mix
2 tablespoons almond extract
14 ounces (6 cups) flaked coconut

Let the ice cream soften just a bit and then blend with the mixer to continue until smooth. Add cake mix and extract. Blend just till thoroughly combined. Stir in coconut. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls on parchment lined baking sheets. Bake at 350ยบ for 12-15 minutes. Cool 1 minute before removing. If you find you like these try them with raspberry or lime sherbet next!Print Friendly and PDF