

Product Review and Free Coupons! Kashi Vive Cereal

I am part of a group that gives feedback on products and one of the most recent products I learned about is called Vive by Kashi. You know... the cereal maker? I made cookies from one of their cereals and posted the recipe here.

Vive is their 'new' cereal and it's aimed at womens health; to help balance your digestive system with active probiotic cultures and ginger, to purify with 46% of your daily value for fiber and natural broccoli extract and strengthening properties with Vitamin D and calcium.

I also learned this about womens health verses men's;

Women's saliva and digestive enzymes vary throughout their menstrual cycle

Hormones can make a woman more vulnerable to a distinct set of digestive disorders like gastric reflux

Women are more likely to have digestive responses to stress and other strong emotions

Men's bodies automatically produce substances that start breaking down tough-to-digest high-fat foods before they hit the stomach. Women have little, if any, chemical response to ease digestion of these foods

I'm excited about their yummy new toasted graham and vanilla cereal and have $2 off coupons to the first couple people who email me with their address where they would like them sent.

*Edited to add as of 6/12 I only have (2) $2 coupons left!

*I don't use the address for anything else and I delete it immediately after copying it down to an envelope and popping your coupon into it. Print Friendly and PDF