
German Chocolate Upside Down Cake

When I saw this recipe listed in an old church recipe book I just smiled. I grew up with my Grandma H making this cake but I had never made it myself. In my family they aren't crazy about the coconut/pecan mixture (although it's one of my favorite frostings and I have a can of it in the cupboard this very second that I sometimes scoop a teaspoon of out and eat it right up!). So I've not made this one, but I have it in my collection. Now it's in yours too!

German Chocolate Upside-Down Cake

1 c. shredded coconut
2 sticks butter
1 c pecan pieces
12 oz. cream cheese
1 box German chocolate
1 16 oz box powdered sugar
cake batter - made from a mix according to directions or from scratch

Mix coconut and pecan pieces. Spread Mixture on bottom of a greased 13x 9 pan. Follow directions on box of cake mix and pour over coconut and pecans. In saucepan, heat butter and cream cheese. Stir until smooth enough to mix in powdered sugar. Spread over cake. Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes.Print Friendly and PDF